Realm Balance ?

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Postby Andbriwal » Feb 23, 2022 19:03

A quick look at the statistics on the Herald shows that the number of players per realm are:-
Alb 565
Mid 636
Hib 372
The realm points (rounded) for the three realms are:-
Alb 80 million
Mid 99 million
Hib 39 million

These figures paint a grim figure of huge imbalance. Not only are the Mids able to field more players, but the average amount of realm points per Mid player is 38.5% of the realm point total compared to 35.3% for Albs and 26.2% for Hibs. More realm points means better realm abilities, adding even more imbalance in favour of Midgard.
As it is, I don't think Uthgard can sustain that level of imbalance before players lose interest. If one realm is so strong that it can take keeps with impunity and seize enemy relics, then what more can that realm do other than have access to DF most of the time? Similarly, a realm that can't field the number players to seriously challenge the more powerful realm will see its players become disheartened. Whichever way you look at it, it's not good for Uthgard. Players will log on less and less and the server will end up being shut down.
So what's the solution? I wish I knew. Maybe we could restrict new players (on new accounts) to creating characters only on Hib until such a time that the imbalance is redressed? Or, could some sort of logging system be introduced that only allowed equal numbers of players from each realm entering the Frontiers at any one time? Something needs to be done. The situation is dire.
Any ideas?

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Postby LarryDavid1 » Feb 23, 2022 20:14

are you new here? those figures are incredibly skewed based on stuff that happened in 2017-2018 when the server was actually popping. right now, they are entirely irrelevant
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Postby Andbriwal » Feb 23, 2022 20:37

LarryDavid1 wrote:are you new here? those figures are incredibly skewed based on stuff that happened in 2017-2018 when the server was actually popping. right now, they are entirely irrelevant

What do you mean by "skewed"?
What are the true figures? If the figures on the Herald aren't accurate, then why are they even there?
What you see happening in the Frontiers backs up the figures on the Herald from what I've seen.

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Postby fiskgrodan » Feb 24, 2022 00:40
The statistics from the official herald show how much realm points all the logged in characters have in total, not how much they have made during that week.

For example a RR6 player that logged in and killed 1 enemy player will add 1 million realm points to that statistic instead of the 1 thousand realm points he made from the kill
The RP distribution from this herald gives a better view of how active different players in the realms are.

Personally I don't think the current situation is a problem. Some players tend to switch to the realm with the lowest population to have more enemies to fight.

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Postby Ebbie » Feb 24, 2022 01:50

fiskgrodan wrote:
The RP distribution from this herald gives a better view of how active different players in the realms are.

Personally I don't think the current situation is a problem. Some players tend to switch to the realm with the lowest population to have more enemies to fight.

Wow I though that herald was done when it stopped updating months ago. Good to see it is back in working order.

I agree with Fiskgrodan, if you are a 1 realm only type of player then you will for sure encounter days/weeks/months where your realm will feel irrelevant. Healthy use of the 48hr realm swap timer can keep thing interesting.

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Postby Ithiggi » Feb 24, 2022 02:12

nice to know this herald is back!

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Postby Nakja » Feb 25, 2022 08:55

@selfnote - dont post in the morning... please delete.
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