Which template would you use for a pve farming chanter?
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Which template would you use? One has resists nicely capped but lacks 3 int a 3 power.
These template options are done using Loki for a lvl 50 43 enchant/ 32 mana enchanter. I can post full templates later, this is just the bonus/stats. This is using all MP cloth items, and no dragon drops. #1------------------------------------------------------------------- LOKI Build Report Two-Handed Configuration: Build Utility: 823.3 Useable Utility: 814.0 Statistics STR:12/75 CON:75/75 DEX:77/75 QUI:0/75 INT:81/75 PIE:0/75 CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75 Hits:200/200 Power:25/25 AF:0/50 Resistances Body: 27 Cold: 25 Heat: 21 Energy: 21+5 Matter: 24 Spirit: 27 Crush: 21+5 Slash: 25 Thrust: 25 Skills Light Magic: 11 Mana Magic: 11 Enchantments: 3 Focuses Light Magic: 50 Mana Magic: 50 Enchantments: 50 #2------------------------------------------ LOKI Build Report Two-Handed Configuration: Build Utility: 816.3 Useable Utility: 813.0 TOA Utility: 0.0 Statistics STR:12/75 CON:75/75 DEX:77/75 QUI:0/75 INT:72/75 PIE:0/75 CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75 Hits:200/200 Power:22/25 AF:0/50 Resistances Body: 27 Cold: 25 Heat: 25 Energy: 25+5 Matter: 22 Spirit: 25 Crush: 26+5 Slash: 25 Thrust: 26 Skills Light Magic: 11 Mana Magic: 11 Focuses Light Magic: 50 Mana Magic: 50 Enchantments: 50 |
Why caping light on a farm ench.get 75str in instead so you don't need to run back and forth for loot all the time.
yeah, cap str and don't put skills on light. even 50 light focus on staff is not needed.
If you are to farm solo, 11 enchantment will help for better heal on pet |
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