Tasking with my cleric :-)

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Postby Shamdus » Nov 01, 2018 11:03


i recently started again on Uthgard, i played here some years ago and had a lot of fun.
I love it to relive that feeling of leveling up being an accomplishment, everything earned
being worth something.

I never wrote something like that before but it just came to my mind today.

This all happend after i just got lvl10 and went to west downs with my green
leather armor and my orange club.


Grossly overestimating my strength, Guard Cynon send me to kill a Bandit Henchmen.
After brief struggle, my rugged leather armor being no match for the scoundrels weapon
and repeatedly missing my enemy, i got hit unconscious.

I awoke in the village as before and wondered no more.....this is a wicked world.

After hard bargaining i managed to get some new Equipment, a hammer made from a
fine alloy catched my eye and i fear the merchant got the better deal there. I had to cut
down on the armor a bit but thought myself well equiped to face my foes.

I also visited my old mentor at the church, to teach me some new ways to make it clear to
those heathens, that those who are faithful may be rescued, but gods wrath may punish
those who deny what is there for all to see.

We will purge this filthy infestation of our lands,
we will heal our animals from insanity,
we will not give in to the devil

I rested and regained my constitution.

That filthy peasant lending horses to people made my day worse by denying me a horse
to west downs. His horses apparently knew their routes and could not stop. I blessed him
and let a fart but got on the horse anyway.

Exhausted from the day i fell asleep and found myself in some strange land, i cursed the
horse merchant sending me here and regretted me blessing him before.

Back on the horse, i held myself awake by finding 9000 Methods to make that horse person
pay for his transportation sacrilege. Jumping from the horse at west downs i was at 15967!!!

Resting again to regain my composure i went to Guard Cynon to discuss the issue.

He started ranting about his marriage and send me killing a wild mare.

What a laughably task, i slayed the beast and went back to him.
Not a bit thankful, he send me to kill another one.
And another one.
And another one.
And another one.

I tried taking his confession about his marriage problems but got disgusted halfway.
They apparently tried something with a filidh and it went way to far....i didnt ask further

May the lord be with us (and them)

I resigned to my role to keep the horse population in check and simply did what was
asked of me


Anyway it is great fun playing Daoc again and being reduced to the basics
reminds me of the live launch, wich was great!


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Postby joga » Nov 01, 2018 18:50

This was a really nice read and change of what is usually posted on here. Thank you for contributing!

Curse those heathen horses!

Little advice: when you reach level 14 and still feel like tasking, try to find a way into Avalon Marsh, find Caer Witrin and take on your tasks there. Before you do, you might wanna enter the housing zone, head up the hill to the northeast to find the back of a huge house with an euhm... _outhouse_ attached to it. You can /bind in there, reach it via '/release house' command and use all their teleporters.

Posts: 8
Joined: Nov 01, 2018 10:35

Postby Shamdus » Nov 02, 2018 13:20

Oh well if it would stop at the horses...

That ironclad heretics preferences were beyond any redemption.

His wife made great brownies and so he developed an unholy
fondness for them, letting those who survived the oven, escape...

Anyway...he paid the bill, so i was more than happy to serve
my god again, smashing all those infidels.

I pondered about my motivation.
Was it really about making the world a better place?

The next task send me to kill some undead abomination.
At an ancient Stone circle i faced my foe and the smoldered flesh
again reminded me of my holy, HOLY mission...

Maybe this is really serving a higher cause....

Running back to west downs i fell asleep again.
In his mercy, god planted a tree in front of me.
This tree, having saved my life, by preventing me
to venture further into the plains, shall now be known
as THE TREE....

Yeah i know.... when was the church really inventive...

Writing this bull i somehow got thrown back to some
kind of login screen, has my faith not been tested enough...

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