The reason Albion Sux is not the Classes

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Postby BumblesZERG » Feb 03, 2017 19:23

You really are an idiot. "Alot" is NOT a word in the English language! You spew all this nonsense simply looking for attention yet still sound like a fool.
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Postby Warky » Feb 04, 2017 20:28

I have been looking into the mechanics of the Zerg

from my understanding you get a group of people with fairly equal group set up to zerg mobs 10+ levels above to get cap exp for everyone in the group.

So mostly with zerg exp the key points are

1. you need a mob plan to run through so when xx level you go to that camp as you ding out of that level you go to xx camp.
2. you need equally DPS oriented groups. IE you cant have a group of clerics and a group of fire wizes competing.
3. you need people who can commit to the full day or weekend of expunge.

normally zergs are a minimum of 5 full groups ? then bolt on additional people as they come.

So for each group I would state

1 healer
2 healer
3 tank
4 power regen
5 aoe dpser
6 aoe dpser
7 melee dps
8 melee dps ?

that about correct ?

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Postby Meandow » Feb 07, 2017 15:54

Rather than choosing the easy way (playing hib/mid) why don't you join Albion and show them how it's done? Tool.

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Postby Nirgon » Feb 07, 2017 19:19

Soon, many infiltrators will hatch from their platinum necromancer cocoons.

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Postby ntc » Feb 08, 2017 00:01

People play the game for different reasons. Me personally, DAOC is all about pvp. But for some, pve and community is what makes them play. Historically, in my experience across possibly a half dozen servers and every realm, Albion has always had the highest propensity to have a substantial number of "PVErs." Not sure why, it most likely is a combination of being the "human" race with a stronger sense of community and pop culture lore (camelot etc). I think the realm is tailored to the more casual player.

However, with that said, Albion players and groups who do PVP, usually do it on a much more "hardcore" scale then the other realms. The challenges Albion groups face given how spells/skills are spread so thinly across multiple classes breeds a more hardcore and dedicated player. Albion does "suck" in that aspect, ESPECIALLY THIS PATCH, in that a viable 8-man has maybe 2-3 setups max with very little room for variation, which doesn't leave much room for the casual player or PUG. At least not nearly to the extent you can in Hib or Mid. I am for the most part out of the 8-man game due to RL, but for those ALBs who are running them here, I give them respect for taking the leap. My two sense.
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Postby Chade Fallstar » Feb 09, 2017 16:37

Smilo wrote:
BumblesZERG wrote:
There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet.

This is bullshit. There's a whole frontier to take back and nobody cares.
And all he said, while harsh, is true.
Half of this realm is leveling a necro that will powerlevel second, third and fourth characters. None of them will ever RVR.
I've played this game since 2001 too, i know how Albs are, we all do.

I'll never understand how people describe a group of people playing a specific realm as if they're a totally different species of human being.... oO
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Postby Civer » Feb 10, 2017 17:04

It´s the same thing than racism. You put a group of individuals and try to make all these into one big thing. If someone make a statistic about that, it would be ok. So we can speak about it in a scientific way. But if not, it´s just emotional shi..... :)

I recognize my earlierer DAoC days, when i was in teamspeak and the grp talk about Hibs. (how they are). It was funny for me, i really like the psychologic background in that unlogic way to handle things. :) (sry for my bad english, i am only good in flaming!)

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Postby Beanie » Feb 13, 2017 07:54

Drummond wrote:I make it a policy not to feed trolls.

That said, this post is not to engage the OP, but to share my experienced with other people that might be put off by the drama the OP is instigating.

Now and during Beta I created and played dozens of lowbie classes and races 1-14 on both Albion and Hibernia.

My experiences on both Realms have been the same.

People are people.

Neither Realm had better groups, nor did they have smarter or friendlier people.

I've had great sessions on both Realms where the groups were plentiful and people would randomly throw buffs on me passing by (something small I personally use to gauge a communities friendliness) or even had someone randomly hand me some equipment I can use.

I've also had less friendly sessions, again on both Realms were it was hard to find groups and you'd think a buff cost them platinum to cast. I've asked questions in newbie guild and gotten very friendly answers and sometimes my question (though rarely) might go unanswered.

It happens.

I don't expect low level groups on either Realm to be that efficient. I expect groups in Mithra to wipe. There are some tough adds and people are inexperienced at this point. There is a learning curve.

Both realms have their fair share of soloers and we only take X-classes in our group elitism. Both are also filled with some of the nicest people I've met online.

So my opinion based off my experiences, people are people. No matter the Realm.

In fact, Uthgard has some of the friendliest communities I've seen in a long time.

Choose a Realm where the flavor of the classes and the atmosphere suits you most. The people are the same.

Oh, Alb has ALWAYS - since the beginning of the game - attracted a lower caliber intellect than the other realms, generally speaking. It has been an observation made by competent people within alb and the other realms for 16 years now. There's definitely something to it. Albs behave like oblivious prey animals and playing Uthgard now, almost 2 decades later, you still get people in their mid and upper 40s who don't know what the hell they're doing or why they're there, and you have to micromanage groups: explain what main assists are, how to make macros, how to use them, demonstrate, call out people, correct their behavior and choices, how protect works, who to put in on, how to create protection circles, float guard, the nuances of peeling and why your peeler isn't a good MA. Albion is full of people who find satisfying the challenge of pressing lifetap and power syphon and that occupies their time in the game.

It's misery. In the last iteration of Uthgard I played Midgard, and I also played midgard on Bedevere and the difference in class of people (coming from Albion/Gawaine) was like night and day. Sure you get your idiots in midgard, but generally speaking you can make a group and people know their roles and don't break mezz and know where they are.

In albion, most of the group chats consists of fighting and bragging about how many drugs everyone takes.

Then add to that that on paper from an analytic perspective, Alb is by far the most technically challenging realm to play proficiently in a PvP context because their abilities are dispersed among too many classes, and in 1.65 their endurance battery is useless, so whether you include that or not, the group is gimped by default. No stuns, weakest main supports, it takes two bodies to provide the effectiveness of a healer/druid/bard/shaman. There are dozens of disadvantages that can be stated about Albion PvP that terminates at one conclusion: Albion PvPers have to be superior players simply to break even with lesser players. And in a realm that is already attracting the bulk of lesser players, it's a difficult hurdle to cross.

So everyone can sit back and talk ****** and I'm fine with that, but there are many reasons why they're talking from Mid and Hib. Albion attracts the most generic, lowest common denominator of MMO-ites. Combine that with making it the most complex RvR realm to play and there's little wonder why people farm, twink, and farm.

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Postby Bremmer » Feb 13, 2017 18:40

Beanie wrote:
Drummond wrote:I make it a policy not to feed trolls.

That said, this post is not to engage the OP, but to share my experienced with other people that might be put off by the drama the OP is instigating.

Now and during Beta I created and played dozens of lowbie classes and races 1-14 on both Albion and Hibernia.

My experiences on both Realms have been the same.

People are people.

Neither Realm had better groups, nor did they have smarter or friendlier people.

I've had great sessions on both Realms where the groups were plentiful and people would randomly throw buffs on me passing by (something small I personally use to gauge a communities friendliness) or even had someone randomly hand me some equipment I can use.

I've also had less friendly sessions, again on both Realms were it was hard to find groups and you'd think a buff cost them platinum to cast. I've asked questions in newbie guild and gotten very friendly answers and sometimes my question (though rarely) might go unanswered.

It happens.

I don't expect low level groups on either Realm to be that efficient. I expect groups in Mithra to wipe. There are some tough adds and people are inexperienced at this point. There is a learning curve.

Both realms have their fair share of soloers and we only take X-classes in our group elitism. Both are also filled with some of the nicest people I've met online.

So my opinion based off my experiences, people are people. No matter the Realm.

In fact, Uthgard has some of the friendliest communities I've seen in a long time.

Choose a Realm where the flavor of the classes and the atmosphere suits you most. The people are the same.

Oh, Alb has ALWAYS - since the beginning of the game - attracted a lower caliber intellect than the other realms, generally speaking. It has been an observation made by competent people within alb and the other realms for 16 years now. There's definitely something to it. Albs behave like oblivious prey animals and playing Uthgard now, almost 2 decades later, you still get people in their mid and upper 40s who don't know what the hell they're doing or why they're there, and you have to micromanage groups: explain what main assists are, how to make macros, how to use them, demonstrate, call out people, correct their behavior and choices, how protect works, who to put in on, how to create protection circles, float guard, the nuances of peeling and why your peeler isn't a good MA. Albion is full of people who find satisfying the challenge of pressing lifetap and power syphon and that occupies their time in the game.

It's misery. In the last iteration of Uthgard I played Midgard, and I also played midgard on Bedevere and the difference in class of people (coming from Albion/Gawaine) was like night and day. Sure you get your idiots in midgard, but generally speaking you can make a group and people know their roles and don't break mezz and know where they are.

In albion, most of the group chats consists of fighting and bragging about how many drugs everyone takes.

Then add to that that on paper from an analytic perspective, Alb is by far the most technically challenging realm to play proficiently in a PvP context because their abilities are dispersed among too many classes, and in 1.65 their endurance battery is useless, so whether you include that or not, the group is gimped by default. No stuns, weakest main supports, it takes two bodies to provide the effectiveness of a healer/druid/bard/shaman. There are dozens of disadvantages that can be stated about Albion PvP that terminates at one conclusion: Albion PvPers have to be superior players simply to break even with lesser players. And in a realm that is already attracting the bulk of lesser players, it's a difficult hurdle to cross.

So everyone can sit back and talk ****** and I'm fine with that, but there are many reasons why they're talking from Mid and Hib. Albion attracts the most generic, lowest common denominator of MMO-ites. Combine that with making it the most complex RvR realm to play and there's little wonder why people farm, twink, and farm.

you sir, are one elitist Pr*ck. Sitting on your high horse saying all albs are morons, and its always been that way.. yet you come from Alb yourself and moved to mid? . Is that because, as you say, alb is a complex realm to play correctly? or are you just happy to be with the "in crowd" and you can now fling sh*t like they used to at you ?

you are the worst type of hypocrite, like a recently quit smoker who berates people who smoke.

Albs have a lower level of intellect?? have you f**king heard yourself you tendie loving basement dweller?

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Postby Sonsi » Feb 13, 2017 18:57

Bremmer wrote:
you sir, are one elitist Pr*ck. Sitting on your high horse saying all albs are morons, and its always been that way.. yet you come from Alb yourself and moved to mid? . Is that because, as you say, alb is a complex realm to play correctly? or are you just happy to be with the "in crowd" and you can now fling sh*t like they used to at you ?

you are the worst type of hypocrite, like a recently quit smoker who berates people who smoke.

Albs have a lower level of intellect?? have you f**king heard yourself you tendie loving basement dweller?

I feel like you are going out of your way to prove him correct.

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Postby Beanie » Feb 13, 2017 19:21

Bremmer wrote:you sir, are one elitist Pr*ck. Sitting on your high horse saying all albs are morons, and its always been that way.. yet you come from Alb yourself and moved to mid? . Is that because, as you say, alb is a complex realm to play correctly? or are you just happy to be with the "in crowd" and you can now fling sh*t like they used to at you ?

you are the worst type of hypocrite, like a recently quit smoker who berates people who smoke.

Albs have a lower level of intellect?? have you f**king heard yourself you tendie loving basement dweller?

Well, if hoping against hope that people understand the most basic fundamentals of the game 16 years later makes me an elitist ******, then I'm an elitist ******. *Shrug*

But, I don't think so. And I'm playing Alb on this server now and it brought be back to years ago where I started. There is something about the albion realm that attracts the worst players in general. Sure there are good players in alb, and bad players in hib and mid.

And no I never left alb because it's complex. I like complex. I don't know why you would connect anything like that. I went to mid because of 2 years of exclusively alb, friends wanted to try mid, so I played mid, and played a pac healer and warrior (warrior is admittedly not a complex class, but as it turned out, I made a very good PvE and RvR tank and took to the role).

I'm here in alb now and I maintain all of my previous statements. I'm not sure what any of that has to do with being a hypocrite. I chose to play alb on this server because Hibernia isn't an option for me, mid is broken easy-mode (particularly at patch 1.65, almost as easy as StunGard), and I wanted a challenge. And yes, every day I log in on Alb it is a challenge to witness the general banalities of my realmmates to the dopey necros bobbing all over every camp, to the apathy of 50s sitting in sauvage dueling each other or staring at the gate, afraid to open it. Or even the merc you have to tell for 30th time to stop peeling and breaking mezz because he is the main assist.

And I never said all albs are moron. They just have a great many more than any other realm/server I've played.

I'm going to guess you play Alb, though. Just taking a shot in the dark here.

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Postby Drastix » Feb 14, 2017 00:27

I'm here for the tendies. I heard this thread has em...???

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Postby Bremmer » Feb 14, 2017 09:29

ok, so sorry about my previous post, i'd had a few too many while drowning my sorrows.. family member got a terminal diagnosis yesterday and i should have steered clear of the internet.

apologies for any offence caused....

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Postby Ganaka » Feb 14, 2017 15:19

As a player that's played many different multiplayer games over the past 25 years, as well as starting in Hibernia and switching to Albion three weeks ago, I can honestly say that the player-base difference between realms is small if non-existent. I have met many mature (and good!) players in both Hibernia and Albion.

This thread should be closed. It's whole purpose was for people to generalize and stereotype a group of people in a demeaning manner in an attempt to feel better for oneself. I was really hoping that people that need to put others down to feel better about themselves wouldn't play on this server. But, since it's free for all, it's free for all.

This thread is sad and points to one reason why more players don't visit the forums. A hive of venom and bigotry, the forums have become.

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Postby Beanie » Feb 14, 2017 19:02

Ganaka wrote:As a player that's played many different multiplayer games over the past 25 years, as well as starting in Hibernia and switching to Albion three weeks ago, I can honestly say that the player-base difference between realms is small if non-existent. I have met many mature (and good!) players in both Hibernia and Albion.

This thread should be closed. It's whole purpose was for people to generalize and stereotype a group of people in a demeaning manner in an attempt to feel better for oneself. I was really hoping that people that need to put others down to feel better about themselves wouldn't play on this server. But, since it's free for all, it's free for all.

This thread is sad and points to one reason why more players don't visit the forums. A hive of venom and bigotry, the forums have become.

Ugh, oh please. Leave it open and let people express themselves and share their ideas and observations and to hell with the offended softies who try to interject their sensitivities and think-police everyone.

Get lost.


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