A normal Friday night on Uthgard!

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Postby Rudra » Jun 05, 2022 17:06

A normal Friday night on Uthgard!

Like every Friday Romu rallies his Romu(laner) to strike with full strength.
The whole of Uthagrd was curious to see which keep would be his first target.
Everyone was amazed that he stole the hammer from Mario and his brothers first.
What should the poor plumbers do now?
They couldn't repair any more doors, the hammer is gone.
But your Horn not fall into the hands of these Romu(lans).
They gathered in the last remaining castles and defied the odds.
It took a lot of sweat and blood, but in the end they saved their horn.
And what about the hibies?
They had a monster party and ate their shrooms until everyone went narcolepsy and slept through it all.....

I hope google translated everything correctly........


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Postby Roby5869 » Jun 06, 2022 15:04

As you very well know, the most powerful relics are power relics. Mid can defeat Romu even with casters as we did in Glen, no need for tanks anymore.

We killed 12 in Fensalir, 4 in Blendrake and all of them in Glenlok

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Postby Rudra » Jun 06, 2022 15:13

the purpose of the post was to put a smile on everyone's face who still plays on uthgard.
It wasn't my intention to denounce any tactics or playing styles.


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Postby Ithiggi » Jun 08, 2022 05:16

He is a poet and I didn't know it. nice little riff

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Postby Rudra » Jun 11, 2022 09:50

This Friday, the albinos struck again with full force.
They wanted to prove their strength and destroy the rest of the server.
First it was Hibernia's turn, which is already on the ground anyway.
On scat they met the last 4 remaining Hibs who unfortunately couldn't do anything. Even the last level 1 keep, where the day before a group of albinos ran away when an animist ran into the keep, was not spared.
What will the Shenyen troops do now?
They switched realms and completely overran Midgard.
The target was a special Magirelict, Merlin's staff.
The staff is the last buttress for the server, but that too is now lost.
Perhaps it now serves as a walking stick or hangs on a wall in Albion.

Ps: No criticism, just what came to my mind!
Anyone who finds errors can keep them.


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Postby Wakefield » Jun 12, 2022 16:28

Server was dead 4 years ago due to strict measures on what was "classic" DAOC.

Changes were made, but by then it was far too late as the rot had set in.

I give respect to those who still play here.

I just don't play anywhere anymore as I want a classic server with meaningful QOL changes from the start.

Old frontiers, no auto train, increased hp and mana regen out of combat, det for hybrids etc

And not the toxicity that existed here towards non optimal classes and just towards each other.
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Postby Rudra » Jun 19, 2022 18:18


At the moment I see the rvr like this:

Rp for PVE

Due to the few people, there is hardly any resistance in the keeps. The guards behave like normal mobs in the game.
There is hardly anything exciting left.............
Theoretically, you could now also give rp for killing normal mobs without bringing the doublers back.
The days of Albion raiding pass by Hibernia without a trace, no one cares anymore. Characters are leveled or farmed.


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Postby Rudra » Jun 25, 2022 08:07

New update to Rvr on Uthgard,
this Friday seemed to be a bad day for Albion, the last remaining keep of the Midgard troops could not be taken. Also, the relics were not attacked although they were / are probably defenseless. The reason for this could be that you couldn't get 4+fg together to start these actions.
I wish Albion that the situation improves again and actions of this kind are possible again.
(sarcasm off)


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Postby Rudra » Jun 27, 2022 19:23

Intermediate update:

Recently a flock of chickens with a shadow of a rooster ran across the server and picked out the last grains.
I was hoping that they would get the dagda's cauldron to make better brain potions.
But they were probably afraid that they would end up in it themselves.


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Postby Ithiggi » Jun 30, 2022 19:18

someone stole my stew pot !

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Postby Rudra » Jun 30, 2022 21:06

Excuse me,
we had a barbecue and there was shroom stew as we were too many we needed the Cauldron on short notice. Unfortunately we didn't have the other ingredients, you left the doors open and we left a note: "Return to sender"...............
We temporarily stored it.


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Postby Rudra » Jul 02, 2022 13:07

Friday night, Romu and his troops set out again to bully the server. First they invaded Hibernia with 21 men, they burned and demolished everything. The Hibs were in a deep doze and didn't notice. Because there was almost no one there............ Only Indy's little helper was killed once in MC.
After that, the albionos set out to descend on Midgard............(unfortunately I didn't notice it anymore, because I also fell into a deep sleep). However, a small daring band from Middle-earth Tol(kien) [Foolhardy] set out in the night to end bondage.
Risking their lives, they gave everything, they conquered fortress after fortress and stormed the treasury.
They stole Romu's cane and hope it will take some time for the wood to grow back for a new one.

Have Fun

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Postby Rudra » Jul 08, 2022 21:01

As always on Fridays at the same time, the troops of Romu(lus) started their slaughter in other realms.
But today there is something very devastating to report, a young reporter from beautiful Hibernia fell victim to the machinations of the Albanian soldiers. He set out to get a picture of it on site and to report live about it. To show that he has no evil intentions, he made his arduous journey to the cold Midgard in only his underwear. He lost some body parts on his way to the next theater of war (family planning no longer possible). Once there, he cheered for the liberators of Glenlock Faste. He was noticed and immediately horribly butchered. The name of the executor may not be mentioned for data protection reasons.
However, this incident was caught by the cameraman who accompanied him. This was not so trusting and hid himself in the bushes as a precaution. So we have footage of this unnecessary incident.
We mourn the loss of our young journalist and hope to find a replacement for him soon.

rest in peace

Here are the incredible shots:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-De_06u ... nnel=HibTv

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Postby Ithiggi » Jul 10, 2022 19:18

I guess there is no fredom of the press in Uthgard ! Opressive bucketheads! Free the Keens! KEEN LIVES MATTER !!!

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Postby Rudra » Jul 23, 2022 11:49

the french connection,
for a few days there has been a real player rush to Uthgard.
It was leveled and equipped and on Friday there was finally the first real Rvr.
The Romu(laner) were once again on the move in Midgard to conquer the great fortresses of the Norsemen.
So first the French Connection started their actions in Hibernia unnoticed.
They sneaked up on the small keeps and only tried to conquer them by force of arms, which took a very long time. finally a group of old fighters joined with rams and opened the gates to the new fighters.
The Alb(an) Forces interrupted their activities in Mit(telerde) and set out to interrupt the triumph of the French Connection.
The showdown then took place at the Hibbis outpost. There were deaths on both sides, with the New Soldiers losing out.
Nevertheless, they set out to free Hibernia from the aggressors.
Eventually they even went so far as to invade Midgard to retrieve the chamber pot.r
You must know the Hibs unfortunately under a weak bladder.
With some effort this even succeeded, but some people from the northern countries did not want to give him up and try to hold him tight.
Unfortunately we lost it again in the night, I assume you need the pot to cook again.............
We now have to get up again at night and go into the forest.

Ps.: I hope everyone had fun and the situation as it is now will last for a very long time.



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