petition for removing 3min delay on keep siege
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Hi everybody,
I´ve given Uthgard 2.0 another shot and been playing again since mid of july. The fact that upgrading a keep and reinforcing doors isn´t a cheap task, I´d suggest to remove the 3min delay timer when a keep gets attacked. The imbalance in population right now just favors those having the numbers to put up 3-4rams at the first gate of a keep. Trying to defend your guilds claimed, upgraded and doorboosted keep gets impossible in the current setting. As far as I remember the current delay wasn´t a thing at the start of Uthgard 2.0, why did it even get changed? Satas Hakx - various artists
Albs used to get farmed within 30 seconds of touching a keep by mids, so they cried about not playing until it was changed. In fairness it was probably a good idea back then to add the delay, as this was a good reason to have guilds claim keeps to get an early warning, but as population dropped it's become more of an issue as not all keeps can be claimed. |
Who farmed them was Reallydirty group. 8 vs 40 maybe + or -. They had good reason to cry, but not bcs they weren't able to take keeps. |
ya the delay is stupid
Ahhh if only we have an admin reading
![]() there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
yearly reminder
Satas Hakx - various artists
I think a better implementation would be send a broadcast message to everyone depending on the keep level.
E.g. Level #3 - 23 opponents at the lord Level #5 - 8 enemies at the inside gate Level #7 - 12 enemies at the outer gate Level #9 - 3 enemies at the outer guards As fun as the farming of keeptakers is for the strong side I think it would be rather counterproductive in terms of rvr action. The problem is simply the lack of about 30-50 active players / day and the complete imbalance between the realm populations and player skills. Gwyneth, Gwynefer, Naiba, Takhi, Gwyntreth, StarletKristina, Talvi, Mousebear
I might be misinformed, but wouldn't this change take someone making changes to the server? A person of some sort? The needed change is people, who are in guild, which claim keeps. Albion and having fun
It seems like you didn´t read the initial post. Regarding Nakja´s suggestions one can say that this is a heavily customised fix which doesn´t help on low level keeps at all. Getting rid of the delay shouldn´t take much of an effort and make defending keeps at least somewhat possible for guilds that don´t sit on stacked up bountypoints from when the server was full of players. Satas Hakx - various artists
people are still "exploiting" the hell out of this feature. please give the remaining players a hand and delete the delay on keep attacks.
Satas Hakx - various artists
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