RvR RA's
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just wanted to open the thread for menta's RvR RA's (ofc light spec). Did someone any testings @ uth 2.0 beta regarding the best distribution of the passive dmg ra's (AA, AD, MoM, WP) ? At first ofc, mcl+lw1 = 1L4. Then I would continue with AA 2 (=1L8). After that, I would starting to take dmg ra's, with the priority WP > MoM (because we are a spec nuker, so MoM brings less than for a debuff enchanter for example). So for example with 2L3 I would have WP 2 and MoM 1. I would try to rush to 3L3 and take Purge w/o dropping the first dmg ra's, anf meanwhile on the way to 3L3 we could take MotA for example. For 5L2 we could use mcl 1 Purge lw 1 AA 3 WP 3 MoM 2 MotA 2 for casting speed and breaking points- I have no clue how much dex/level of MotA is needed- ~ 350? there was somewhere a list with this information but dunno now. LG Atum / Talmar
Bellum Potentiae / Genesis / Bonzenverein / Morrigans Breath DAoC Log/Alb, Dm/Hib, Salis/Alb, Uth/Hib WoW Gorgonnash/Horde |
Since we are finally getting into the RvR now as mentas with respecs, then this thread needs more attention
I am at the moment 3l5 and my RA's are: LW1 MCL Purge Tether Acu1 My next goal is: Acu2 MOA1 MOM1 WP1 After that prob i will up my MOA MOM WP to certain level |
there are no breaking points. Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
I am 5L2 and i currently run :
Mcl1 Acu 3 Wp 3 MoM 3 Mota 2 Dex 2 I was running with mcl2 and raging before. I am still not sure if i should take them again or not. I am pretty sure that i'll not take purge if i dont run moc. Any feedback on tether? Envoyé de mon SM-G920F en utilisant Tapatalk |
Id say MCL2 on higher RR, RP - not worth the RP's. About tether - works great, but i still need to test it a little. Very good agains alb caster grps, who might run 2xsorc/2x cabby etc. Pretty much useless agains mids, unless they use BD in their setup. But tether is great RA for solo aswell, if you plan to run solo in the future. I-win button agains any class with a pet. Since i run very often solo aswell, then Purge and Tether are more important for me atm then castspeed/dmg RA's. Any opponent in 1v1 is mostly 3-5 nukes and i can get those in while the enemy is stunned. Just dettanks are very difficult at the moment. |
I solo 80% of the time as well. Just hit 3L4 and went straight MoC. Haven't been on to be able to try it out. Next prolly going lw, mota, wp, mcl, aug dex,
Interested about the viability of tether. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Right now I'm 5L8
LW1 MOM2 WP2 MCL2 AA3 MOTA3 Sever the Tether I don't feel that purge is worth it as you can always get a grey pet to help demez yourself if no good pets are around. Just always make sure to have a pet at all times even if it's grey. I know lots disagree and there's definitely times where I am nearsighted where I would have loved to have purge but I've decided it's not worth it in the long run. |
I have changed my spec quite alot lately. Moving from passives to actives. Although MoA 3 is super nice, i decided to drop it down to moa2 for moc.
At 6L5 (took moc at 6L3 and i like it alot - specially since i love to solo aswell) LW1 MOM1 MOTA2 ACU3 WP1 PURGE STT MOC MCL |
Purge is needed for nearsight (true for all casters). uwu ~ orz
https://tinyurl.com/y75vcqqm |
Totally agree on this - altho u can always GP for caster purges, then purge is still needed on casters. For nearsight, purge the slam, purge root or whatever. Also MOC without Purge doesnt really work |
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