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Postby Kaziera » Apr 19, 2017 00:31

Sure go ahead, you will see what your grps will think of that.

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Postby imamizer » Apr 19, 2017 12:11

Severian wrote:And is that really worth the sacrifice of having a much more boring and much less versatile spec? My answer is a big no.

So less vaiance on baseline dot and and slightly better DD/bolt with long recast time makes the class fun for you? I bet you wouldn't mind having a warrior with less than 42 shield in your group as well.

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Postby fleshcutter » Apr 19, 2017 12:12

Severian wrote:You can still interrupt just as well, if not even better, with higher cave.

Let's see how much stats are missing from not having 46 aug? It is really THAT much of a difference? If your group is running a mixed set up (as in actually using the good caster classes in Midgard, yes they exist), you'll have 3 melee, 2-3 healers, 1 sham, 1-2 casters. One of those melee will be a Skald, which isn't there for damage, even though they can do pretty solid damage. They may not even get a red str/con. So that leaves 2 classes that would actually need the red str/con. How much more damage is that really?

And is that really worth the sacrifice of having a much more boring and much less versatile spec? My answer is a big no.

You still have exactly the same tools with 27 cave. Only difference is that you do lower damage, but the damage will still be pretty low even with more cave specced. You also get lower duration on your ae root but that is a very situational skill anyway. You should also have Ichor of the Deep which is a far better ae root.

And not giving skalds red str/con :gaga:
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Postby Nogi » Apr 20, 2017 12:24

For me 37 Cave / 38 Aug / 9 Mend ist the right way...

You can do solo farming in PVE for Gold/Platin, you are needed in Groups and in RVR you just need a good Guild and/or some Players, who love more a active Shaman then a BB and can handle the less Buffpower by playing their Toons good! ;-)

And, of course... if you lost in the Frontiers, you can make your way pherhaps solo for a while. This was the moment on Live, where i decidet to play a Shaman with this Spec... long ago, but was a lot of fun!

And anyway... if you play your Shaman good, they will love you and you make you a Name. If you play bad... no one wants your Endu 5... ;-)

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Postby Halma » Apr 21, 2017 10:36

Nogi wrote:For me 37 Cave / 38 Aug / 9 Mend ist the right way...

For me as well, but I will rarely do 8-man-RvR and will use the shaman for farming, I wanted the 36 cave AE-dot.
If I primary 8-man, I'd go for red buffs as well and 27 cave. In my opinion the insignificant additional damage of one shaman does not compensate the loss of higher damage and sustain of the whole group.
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Postby fleshcutter » Apr 21, 2017 10:53

Nogi wrote: who love more a active Shaman then a BB

Not bashing your spec but this statement is just a myth that I want to debunk. I also had this in mind when I chose my first spec, so I had a lot of cave at first. Gradually I tried new specs which had lower and lower cave. Until I reached the sweet spot which is 27.

I still use every tool I have in RvR. I just don't use the dot's that much because they just don't do enough damage. The biggest problem is that if your target doesn't die, you just gave it mez and root immunity for the rest of the duration. If the situation calls for it I will use all my damage spells on a called assist target. But only after making sure that target is diseased. Top priority is making sure that every enemy is diseased, all the time. Are their support curing the diseases, hit them again with it. Disease is just that powerful, it will help your group to win fights.

The shaman is also a very good interrupter. I constantly run around on the battlefield and hit every target in range with the pbae instant disease. If their support and casters are standing near each others you can zoom by and hit one with the pbae disease and hit the other with your hammer. Now you just have taken these two out of the fight for 3 seconds.

So for all means go for a spec that suits you. But don't turn down a high aug spec because you think that you will be standing around like a buffbot.

Can also watch some of my videos on YouTube and you will see that this statement is false.

Fleshcutter the Berserker.
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Postby Severian » Apr 25, 2017 16:45

Doesn't the lower disease PBAoE have a higher chance to be resisted though?
Severian, RR5 Skald
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Postby Kaziera » Apr 26, 2017 17:06

Yes. But it costs less mana. And the Main focus is interrupt. And Dissease is the bonus.

Most target you interrupt will have Dissease anyways so lower mana cost is really preferrable here.

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