Cab Specs

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Postby Venril » Feb 07, 2017 14:17

Mana cant be an issue for a cabalist.
Alkabor <Nerouj> Ywain Cabalist
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Postby Nunki » Feb 20, 2017 14:47

Venril wrote:Mana cant be an issue for a cabalist.

Tell me why? :D Hopefully we are talking about RvR.

The Pet can be either dead or ccd out of recycle range.
If you find the time and the mana to petcast (without fastcast) + recycle, the enemy group did sth wrong anyway. :D


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Postby Venril » Feb 22, 2017 11:12

there are many tools to deal with mana, i never said you need to sacrifice pet, use pot and mcl
Alkabor <Nerouj> Ywain Cabalist
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Postby Nunki » Feb 22, 2017 13:18

Venril wrote:there are many tools to deal with mana, i never said you need to sacrifice pet, use pot and mcl

I was talking about the class abilites itself. Everyone can compensate negative aspects by RA's. :D

This is 1.65!
Even with Pom5 + Pots + MCL + Sere 1, you will get mana problems in long fight situations.
Beneath the fact that MCL + Pots have timer, good luck trying to use MCL while your pet is CCd or in fight in any kind of way.
In case you are not running with a Pala, have fun using mana pots AND endu reg pots, yes same timer.

JimiT wrote:I like the idea of spirit cab more than kiting for 50 levels. How much slower do you think it is than matter spec?

I would say time tripled. AE-Dot mass pulls are way too efficient. Also there is quite no farm (gold) capability for Spirit Cabas.

Why kiting for 50 levels? There are free line respecs at lvl 20 and 40. Try out and see what you like!
You could go for matter until 40 and respec for Spirit (While 40+ will be a hard time four you).

One of our guildies went for matter until lvl 40 and specced tri-spec (25m/ 34b / 33s) after that for RvR. Especially to safe the Respec Stone. Great RvR / 8man utility spec!


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Postby Venril » Feb 22, 2017 14:35

i know for long fight and mana issues, in that case for more than 5 10mins, you maybe have opportunities to sacrifice and resummon with 20-25 into spirit spec u recover around 150 mana per sacrifice
Alkabor <Nerouj> Ywain Cabalist
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Postby Nunki » Feb 23, 2017 10:50

Venril wrote:i know for long fight and mana issues, in that case for more than 5 10mins, you maybe have opportunities to sacrifice and resummon with 20-25 into spirit spec u recover around 150 mana per sacrifice

You don't read. :P Nobody got time for that. :D (at least rarely)
Simply try it out.

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Postby Venril » Feb 23, 2017 11:52

I will let you with your blindness.
Alkabor <Nerouj> Ywain Cabalist
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Postby Nunki » Feb 23, 2017 14:01

Venril wrote:I will let you with your blindness.

I see Cabalists in 8 man RvR every day. You are talking about theory. I see the mana problems every day, while of corse they have less mana problems than other classes, they still are existent.

You say: "Mana cant be an issue for cabalist."
I say: "Mana is a problem for every class, even for cabalists."


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Postby angerinc » Mar 01, 2017 06:51

On Cabby I like to go 44 Matter for red NS and 2nd to last DoT(2nd to last focus shield if you need to pve), then 31 Body gives you transfer life for back up heals. Then 4 spirit gives you reclaim pet.

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Postby Rimoen » Mar 04, 2017 01:15

Still waiting for Dragon/respec ;-)

I prefer to spec 39 in Body for dps and 37 in matter, 4 in Spirit.
I get the a good dps value, a good ns and are able to do aoe pulls in pve aswell

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Postby Stasis » Apr 19, 2017 11:49

Pure pve spec:
50Matter 20 spirit
46 Matter 28 spirit

Is the last focus shield worth it?

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Postby danever2 » Apr 22, 2022 19:09

Let me share my experience in terms of what works for me with the current low population on the server - even if NO one will read this anymore ... (except some guys who tell me that my experience is not real and 3spec works like a charm)

"3-spec" - yea, it is so great.

But I do not like it. Why not? You might be the Swiss army knife and you think you can do everything ... well, on paper, yes - but that assumes you have endless time in a fight, which is not the reality.
I have to do things with the highest effectiveness... not the one with the most options wins the fight. Yes, it can help - but the sheer amount of options is in most cases rather hindering/overwhelming for players. In short time frame before I die, I need to do the most important.

If there is INC with "3-spec" I can either:

- Nearsight,
- OR -30% spirit debuff and nuke (holds only 8seconds 2-3 casts)
- OR disease,
- OR single Root,
... in any case you have to use the combat debuff insta, STR debuff insta , and commanding my pet.
Lets assume you are a very good player and always pick the right target and prioritize perfectly your options (I know you do) ...

I have never been in a spirit cabba-group with an extra body sorc to witness orchestrated coordinated assist killing. ... and god I wish I had!!! (and I have 2 cabbies...) even the mind sorc was hard to be in sync with...
Why not? I assume, assists depends on lag, people are not in disc .... assister needs to be close, and in range of the target, not rupped/NSighted etc. . So: hard to pull off.

Debuffing+nuking without assist: does work, but is ineffective in 90% of situations, because you lose one spell (dps wise), as you do not do dmg with the first spell, but you debuff. Now, if someone is in range then he will be casted on. So in 90% you do not have time for 3-4 casts to make your debuff pay off.... and if you do, the player is bad/afk/out of heal range - so he dies no matter what - debuff or no debuff.
Most enemies are seen in a keep window/range for maybe ONE cast - that's it. so no time to debuff and cast 3 spells.

Stun+nuke ... yes in theory, not in albion. clerics look at to their healers helper window - not on enemies. If they stun - they say so in TS, but until someone reacts and moves there (!) ... the stun is over & the target often gone.

In addition the 3spec -30% spirit (33spec) makes less dmg, compared to the -50% spirit cabba (46spec) - no matter the resis the enemy has. BUT if Albion has 3 relics (rare event) the dmg is the same of both specs, because you cap the 627 even with the 30%!.

The decease spell breaks mezz, and you only have lvl34 with 3spec, which has a high rate of resists (like 50% in my experience) and the radius is smaller to what you can have with a higher body spec. (44) usually I get 1 or 2 that are effected - rest is resisted...

NS is super. Speccing more than 25, ....well if you want, but it is not really giving you a whole lot more in RvR. 45% cast range reduction - not sure if 65% is worth spending all those points tbh. But I am not saying that it would be a bad choice if you just NS against caster groups!
Overall NS is super on paper, but reality is Hibs play a lot with Animists and play stationary - so NS is not a big factor, as they tend to hide in the mushrooms. Mid tanks do not care about NS, you have to find their healers....there it really can make a big difference...

Deasease + AE Dot: is annoying, but I do not see that this is really winning fights, as everyone has matter resis at least on 20%, one spreadheal counters this. So what can we expect: 400 dmg over 25sec? Nothing critical, if every caster has 1k HP. So very situational...maybe in keep-fights near lord room. But we have to remember that you can not stack your AE dots with more AE dots. a fire wizz can spam AE dmg - AE dot only 25 sec. later... :-/

Spirit spec and high pet buffs: Good, but cost tons of mana, and then you can not recycle the pet, because all the buffs are gone .. so, not great...and the buffs are on a timer - and these days the INCs are so rare that the likelihood is high that you buff your pet and leave the border keep with 60% mana by the time you see an enemy the buffs are gone. (ok, there are pots...) pets are easily rooted, mezzed and have no purge.

So, my conclusion: given that Matter line does not really scale well in rvr after 25 .... AND Spirit line is questionable, because debuffing needs a super duper group ... lets me steer away from the classic specs and try something new h "Body Nuker".

I run 25 Matter/47 Body/8 Spirit - this gives you the best AE desease, a solid NS, which is already a lot ... and on top a solid nuke with no variance, and a pet you can always recycle because it has no buffs on it.
I think that is enough util for me...because I never effectively debuffed nor was assisted and I do not think if I had MORE options would make me a better player - because I cannot use these all at the same time! It is "either or" not - "as well as" ... If NS and debuff would be an insta cast- well then maybe... but I get 2-3 spells out then I am dead in most fights...

alternatively you can also think about 36/39/9 for better NS, worse decease and more nuke variance. Might be an idea...did not try that though.

and if you think debuff works: go 0/28/46 or 11/25/46 with 25% NS which is still a big advantage and you have something to do when the enemy is in 2300 range...

pvp: 46matter always a solid pve / gobo choice...

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Postby wachawacha » May 01, 2022 05:33

danever2 wrote:Let me share my experience in terms of what works for me with the current low population on the server - even if NO one will read this anymore ... (except some guys who tell me that my experience is not real and 3spec works like a charm)

"3-spec" - yea, it is so great.

But I do not like it. Why not? You might be the Swiss army knife and you think you can do everything ... well, on paper, yes - but that assumes you have endless time in a fight, which is not the reality.
I have to do things with the highest effectiveness... not the one with the most options wins the fight. Yes, it can help - but the sheer amount of options is in most cases rather hindering/overwhelming for players. In short time frame before I die, I need to do the most important.

If there is INC with "3-spec" I can either:

- Nearsight,
- OR -30% spirit debuff and nuke (holds only 8seconds 2-3 casts)
- OR disease,
- OR single Root,
... in any case you have to use the combat debuff insta, STR debuff insta , and commanding my pet.
Lets assume you are a very good player and always pick the right target and prioritize perfectly your options (I know you do) ...

I have never been in a spirit cabba-group with an extra body sorc to witness orchestrated coordinated assist killing. ... and god I wish I had!!! (and I have 2 cabbies...) even the mind sorc was hard to be in sync with...
Why not? I assume, assists depends on lag, people are not in disc .... assister needs to be close, and in range of the target, not rupped/NSighted etc. . So: hard to pull off.

Debuffing+nuking without assist: does work, but is ineffective in 90% of situations, because you lose one spell (dps wise), as you do not do dmg with the first spell, but you debuff. Now, if someone is in range then he will be casted on. So in 90% you do not have time for 3-4 casts to make your debuff pay off.... and if you do, the player is bad/afk/out of heal range - so he dies no matter what - debuff or no debuff.
Most enemies are seen in a keep window/range for maybe ONE cast - that's it. so no time to debuff and cast 3 spells.

Stun+nuke ... yes in theory, not in albion. clerics look at to their healers helper window - not on enemies. If they stun - they say so in TS, but until someone reacts and moves there (!) ... the stun is over & the target often gone.

In addition the 3spec -30% spirit (33spec) makes less dmg, compared to the -50% spirit cabba (46spec) - no matter the resis the enemy has. BUT if Albion has 3 relics (rare event) the dmg is the same of both specs, because you cap the 627 even with the 30%!.

The decease spell breaks mezz, and you only have lvl34 with 3spec, which has a high rate of resists (like 50% in my experience) and the radius is smaller to what you can have with a higher body spec. (44) usually I get 1 or 2 that are effected - rest is resisted...

NS is super. Speccing more than 25, ....well if you want, but it is not really giving you a whole lot more in RvR. 45% cast range reduction - not sure if 65% is worth spending all those points tbh. But I am not saying that it would be a bad choice if you just NS against caster groups!
Overall NS is super on paper, but reality is Hibs play a lot with Animists and play stationary - so NS is not a big factor, as they tend to hide in the mushrooms. Mid tanks do not care about NS, you have to find their healers....there it really can make a big difference...

Deasease + AE Dot: is annoying, but I do not see that this is really winning fights, as everyone has matter resis at least on 20%, one spreadheal counters this. So what can we expect: 400 dmg over 25sec? Nothing critical, if every caster has 1k HP. So very situational...maybe in keep-fights near lord room. But we have to remember that you can not stack your AE dots with more AE dots. a fire wizz can spam AE dmg - AE dot only 25 sec. later... :-/

Spirit spec and high pet buffs: Good, but cost tons of mana, and then you can not recycle the pet, because all the buffs are gone .. so, not great...and the buffs are on a timer - and these days the INCs are so rare that the likelihood is high that you buff your pet and leave the border keep with 60% mana by the time you see an enemy the buffs are gone. (ok, there are pots...) pets are easily rooted, mezzed and have no purge.

So, my conclusion: given that Matter line does not really scale well in rvr after 25 .... AND Spirit line is questionable, because debuffing needs a super duper group ... lets me steer away from the classic specs and try something new h "Body Nuker".

I run 25 Matter/47 Body/8 Spirit - this gives you the best AE desease, a solid NS, which is already a lot ... and on top a solid nuke with no variance, and a pet you can always recycle because it has no buffs on it.
I think that is enough util for me...because I never effectively debuffed nor was assisted and I do not think if I had MORE options would make me a better player - because I cannot use these all at the same time! It is "either or" not - "as well as" ... If NS and debuff would be an insta cast- well then maybe... but I get 2-3 spells out then I am dead in most fights...

alternatively you can also think about 36/39/9 for better NS, worse decease and more nuke variance. Might be an idea...did not try that though.

and if you think debuff works: go 0/28/46 or 11/25/46 with 25% NS which is still a big advantage and you have something to do when the enemy is in 2300 range...

pvp: 46matter always a solid pve / gobo choice...

I could have sworn you're a Necro main

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Postby danever2 » May 03, 2022 07:19

I could have sworn you're a Necro main
I wish you had time to contribute more useful to this discussion.... than a blunt speculation that tries to make someone look bad.

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Postby Ithiggi » May 11, 2022 23:46

wachawacha wrote:
danever2 wrote:Let me share my experience in terms of what works for me with the current low population on the server - even if NO one will read this anymore ... (except some guys who tell me that my experience is not real and 3spec works like a charm)

"3-spec" - yea, it is so great.

But I do not like it. Why not? You might be the Swiss army knife and you think you can do everything ... well, on paper, yes - but that assumes you have endless time in a fight, which is not the reality.
I have to do things with the highest effectiveness... not the one with the most options wins the fight. Yes, it can help - but the sheer amount of options is in most cases rather hindering/overwhelming for players. In short time frame before I die, I need to do the most important.

If there is INC with "3-spec" I can either:

- Nearsight,
- OR -30% spirit debuff and nuke (holds only 8seconds 2-3 casts)
- OR disease,
- OR single Root,
... in any case you have to use the combat debuff insta, STR debuff insta , and commanding my pet.
Lets assume you are a very good player and always pick the right target and prioritize perfectly your options (I know you do) ...

I have never been in a spirit cabba-group with an extra body sorc to witness orchestrated coordinated assist killing. ... and god I wish I had!!! (and I have 2 cabbies...) even the mind sorc was hard to be in sync with...
Why not? I assume, assists depends on lag, people are not in disc .... assister needs to be close, and in range of the target, not rupped/NSighted etc. . So: hard to pull off.

Debuffing+nuking without assist: does work, but is ineffective in 90% of situations, because you lose one spell (dps wise), as you do not do dmg with the first spell, but you debuff. Now, if someone is in range then he will be casted on. So in 90% you do not have time for 3-4 casts to make your debuff pay off.... and if you do, the player is bad/afk/out of heal range - so he dies no matter what - debuff or no debuff.
Most enemies are seen in a keep window/range for maybe ONE cast - that's it. so no time to debuff and cast 3 spells.

Stun+nuke ... yes in theory, not in albion. clerics look at to their healers helper window - not on enemies. If they stun - they say so in TS, but until someone reacts and moves there (!) ... the stun is over & the target often gone.

In addition the 3spec -30% spirit (33spec) makes less dmg, compared to the -50% spirit cabba (46spec) - no matter the resis the enemy has. BUT if Albion has 3 relics (rare event) the dmg is the same of both specs, because you cap the 627 even with the 30%!.

The decease spell breaks mezz, and you only have lvl34 with 3spec, which has a high rate of resists (like 50% in my experience) and the radius is smaller to what you can have with a higher body spec. (44) usually I get 1 or 2 that are effected - rest is resisted...

NS is super. Speccing more than 25, ....well if you want, but it is not really giving you a whole lot more in RvR. 45% cast range reduction - not sure if 65% is worth spending all those points tbh. But I am not saying that it would be a bad choice if you just NS against caster groups!
Overall NS is super on paper, but reality is Hibs play a lot with Animists and play stationary - so NS is not a big factor, as they tend to hide in the mushrooms. Mid tanks do not care about NS, you have to find their healers....there it really can make a big difference...

Deasease + AE Dot: is annoying, but I do not see that this is really winning fights, as everyone has matter resis at least on 20%, one spreadheal counters this. So what can we expect: 400 dmg over 25sec? Nothing critical, if every caster has 1k HP. So very situational...maybe in keep-fights near lord room. But we have to remember that you can not stack your AE dots with more AE dots. a fire wizz can spam AE dmg - AE dot only 25 sec. later... :-/

Spirit spec and high pet buffs: Good, but cost tons of mana, and then you can not recycle the pet, because all the buffs are gone .. so, not great...and the buffs are on a timer - and these days the INCs are so rare that the likelihood is high that you buff your pet and leave the border keep with 60% mana by the time you see an enemy the buffs are gone. (ok, there are pots...) pets are easily rooted, mezzed and have no purge.

So, my conclusion: given that Matter line does not really scale well in rvr after 25 .... AND Spirit line is questionable, because debuffing needs a super duper group ... lets me steer away from the classic specs and try something new h "Body Nuker".

I run 25 Matter/47 Body/8 Spirit - this gives you the best AE desease, a solid NS, which is already a lot ... and on top a solid nuke with no variance, and a pet you can always recycle because it has no buffs on it.
I think that is enough util for me...because I never effectively debuffed nor was assisted and I do not think if I had MORE options would make me a better player - because I cannot use these all at the same time! It is "either or" not - "as well as" ... If NS and debuff would be an insta cast- well then maybe... but I get 2-3 spells out then I am dead in most fights...

alternatively you can also think about 36/39/9 for better NS, worse decease and more nuke variance. Might be an idea...did not try that though.

and if you think debuff works: go 0/28/46 or 11/25/46 with 25% NS which is still a big advantage and you have something to do when the enemy is in 2300 range...

pvp: 46matter always a solid pve / gobo choice...

I could have sworn you're a Necro main



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